Saturday, November 1, 2008

Here's What We've Been Up To...

These are a few pictures of Jack in his various moods.


Oh so ORNERY!! His hair sums it up...

Yes, Jack puts a new meaning to "terrible" when I say he's in his "terrible two" phase. He's a middle child who makes sure he's getting his rightful amount of attention any way possible. He refuses to go to sleep on his own. Kent and I have both taken this on and bowed our heads in defeat several hours later in the early morning hours while Jack continued strong. Jack has no interest in learning to use the potty. I've thrown in the towel several times on this one as well. Any discipline action taken with him must be thought through because he will come back swinging, tackling, and repeating everything you say. He cooperates about 40% of the time, so we use lots of reverse psychology, which only works about 10% of the time. He does not like his picture taken, so I only have a few to show. We love him dearly and can't wait for him to move past this phase...

He does enjoy being outside with Kent, so we decided he could try out Ben's old Jeep. Here is his first spin around the yard.

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